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Saturday, July 27, 2024


Tesla shareholders approve Elon Musk’s controversial pay package

Tesla shareholders approve Elon Musk’s multi-billion-dollar pay package despite a court ruling invalidating it, highlighting confidence in his leadership.

Sonos is under fire for a controversial privacy policy change

Sonos is being criticised over changes to its US privacy policy, sparking concerns about data handling amidst ongoing app performance issues.

Why fearless disagreement leads to team brilliance

In any team, diversity in thought and opinion is vital. Discover why fearless disagreement creates a richer pool of ideas & sparks creativity.

5 Essential management skills for startup leaders to survive the first year

By honing these essential management skills, you'll have a resilient, visionary, adaptive, empathetic, and communicative leadership style that will give you the confidence and capability to navigate uncharted waters towards success.

Women in tech, and the organizations that empower them

A culture reset is needed to change the game for women in tech