In the spirit of Stranger Things' celebration of the '80s, an American animation studio, Humouring the Fates, reimagined Stranger Things in a style that's similar to '80s anime and it's incredible.
This new short film takes highlights from Stranger Things' first two seasons and flips them, well, Upside Down.
The video, which finishes under two minutes, is a fun montage through Stranger Things' coolest moments. It's not only fun to watch, but it's also helpful if you're trying to remember the highlights from the series for the first two seasons.
If ‘Stranger Things' was an 80's AnimeWhat if #StrangerThings by #Netflix was an 80's anime? Created by animation studio Humouring the Fates, this #parody fan film celebrates the popular series by taking its style and flipping it upside down. Video credit:
Posted by Tech Edt on Tuesday, July 9, 2019