Apple is gearing up to launch its latest M4 Mac mini, and some key changes are happening. According to Mark Gurman of Bloomberg, the new M4 Mac mini might no longer include the traditional USB-A ports. This move aligns with Apple's ongoing push towards modernising its device connections, but it could disappoint those who still rely on the older USB-A format.
USB-C takes centre stage
The M4 Pro Mac mini, however, will retain some familiar features. It is expected to keep the Ethernet port, HDMI port, and headphone jack. In addition, it will introduce an increase in the number of USB-C ports, offering five. Three of these will be positioned at the back and two at the front of the device. This is one more USB-C port than what is currently available on the M2 Pro Mac mini, signalling Apple's commitment to enhancing connectivity options for its users.
While Gurman did not specify the number of USB-C ports on the standard M4 Mac mini, it is anticipated that there will be at least two, matching the count on the existing M2 Mac mini. Gurman mentioned that Apple is testing Mac mini models with at least three USB-C ports, suggesting a possible upgrade in the standard model.
A significant design update
The upcoming M4 Mac mini is poised to be the most substantial update the model has seen in over a decade, especially in design. Apple's design team has reportedly referred to it as “an iPad Pro in a small box,” hinting at a sleek, compact form factor that aligns with the company's current design language.
The new Mac mini is expected to be revealed in October alongside the updated MacBook Pro and iMac models. The release will likely generate much interest, particularly among tech enthusiasts and professionals looking for a more powerful and versatile desktop solution.