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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Six notable updates from Microsoft Advertising on Audience Ads

Explore six updates from Microsoft Advertising on Audience Ads for optimised budgets, expanded audience reach, and diversified ad options.



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Advertising has recently shed light on several updates targeting various features. These are engineered to assist advertisers in optimising ad campaign budgets, tapping into new audience segments, and broadening ad options for distinct verticals.

Fresh enhancements to Audience Ads

The latest scoop this month encompasses six noteworthy updates to Audience Ads. These use consumer intent indicators such as searches, web activity, and profile data. The acquired data empowers brands to hone in on an audience primed to convert on platforms like MSN, Microsoft Edge,, and other publisher placements.

Automating bids and expanding market reach

Microsoft is introducing Maximise Conversions and Target CPA features to streamline bidding. These elements enable Microsoft to tweak real-time bids autonomously to garner the most conversions or to hit an average target CPA (cost per action) over 30 days.

Moreover, Microsoft is broadening the horizon of its Audience Ads by venturing into 58 new markets as of August, now having a foothold in 187 markets globally.

Advancements in predictive targeting and ad placements

The fresh-out-of-the-oven Predictive Targeting for Audience Ads harnesses Microsoft's audience intelligence to pinpoint audiences with a higher propensity to convert, which may have been overlooked by brands previously.

Microsoft is initiating new placements for Audience Ads to diversify ad placements, notably within Windows computer game interfaces. By 2024, it's projected that these will be accessible across all Microsoft Casual Games.

This month's spotlight also shines on unveiling new Audience Ad placements within the complimentary Microsoft 365 app for US consumers, with EU markets slated to see this roll-out on Android come January 2024.

Venturing into video and bespoke vertical ads

Announcements made at DMEXCO revealed the inception of Video and CTV Ads, connecting brands to valuable audiences on a grand scale via online video and partnered connected TV platforms.

Leaping further, Microsoft is rebranding its Hotel Campaigns as Lodging Campaigns, embracing a broader spectrum of accommodation options beyond conventional hotels.

This move is accompanied by the roll-out of more vertical-specific ads across Microsoft's search partner network, featuring Credit Card and Property Promotion ads. A pioneering initiative sees the introduction of Property Promotion Ads for Vacation Rentals targeting vacation rental clientele.

As part of its roadmap, Microsoft is eyeing the addition of more professional services ads encompassing the Automotive and Tours and Activities sectors.

In a closing note, Microsoft's blog post nudges advertisers to explore the open beta, promising a realm of predictive solutions and automated workflows.

These comprehensive updates underscore Microsoft's enduring dedication to furnishing potent tools for brands and advertisers, enabling them to engage the right audiences for maximised conversions.

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Nurin Sofia
Nurin Sofia
Nurin Sofia is a news editor at Tech Edition. Her interest is in technology and startups, occasionally crunching news for gaming. Sofia enjoys playing video games, going on bike rides, and gardening when she isn't behind a keyboard.

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